Kind of like Gerhard's new blog on food & wine which keeps track of good and not so good restaurants and bottles of wine, I have been wanting to compile a list of websites, companies, etc. that I think are pretty great. I am making this list for a few reasons: for one thing, I am wanting to make a list for myself so I don't forget these resources when I need to find them. Also, I want to share these good finds in the hopes that you may enjoy them too. If you are interested, that is.
1.Favorite art prints, cards, journals, paper delights, etc. :
2. Favorite dog lover's online store:
3. Coco's favorite dog treats:
4. Favorite tropical soap, lip balm & lotion co. :
5. Favorite kinds of coffee:,
6. Favorite kind of tea:
7. Favorite lip gloss company:
I guess this is kind of a girlie list. Oh well. Sorry guys!
This list will be a work in progress so I will add to it from time to time.
I'd love to see lists of your favorite things too, I always love hearing about new things.
Have a Lovely Weekend.
22 hours ago
Yay, I like this :)
Hi there. My name is Diane, and I stumbled across your blog on my "Hanalei" google search that I receive every day. I love anything I can read or pictures I can find on Hanalei. I got married there and have been many times in my life. I hope you don't mind my reading your blog (I love blogs). I felt absolutely compelled to write you to say that I think you are my double! I started to read some of your posts and it really started to freak me out a bit! From your New Year's resolutions to things you say you're grateful for to you love of Hawaii. Then you mentioned Encinitas and that you used to live in Oceanside. I live in Oceanside. I'm a teacher too. I go to Mendocino every summer to collect shells, camp, and abalone dive. I used to take hula (now have two small daughters). I could go on and on. Anyway, I wouldn't ordinarily write to someone, except that there are so many uncanny likenesses (that I haven't even listed, one right after another) that I felt I could only do it justice by selling hello to a kindred spirit! I hope you won't mind if I visit your blog from time to time. I have a blog too, but I don't write often enough. Just know that somewhere down here in Southern California you have your twin from whom you must have been separated at birth! :-)
Hi Diane,
I tried to write you back but there was no way to write you back on your blog. From what you wrote, it sounds like maybe we WERE twins separated at birth! I got the chills reading your note, it sounds like we're the same person! Anyway, I hope you read this, because I'd love to talk to you more. Please send me your email address if you get the meantime, aloha!
Hi! My email address is Thanks for commenting back! Like I said, I wouldn't normally write a stranger, but it was like finding my doppelganger (spelling?). It's always nice to find someone who shares all your same interests. Anyway, if you want to drop me a note, my email is above. Aloha to you too!
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